Admins, Supergroups and More

Telegram groups are democratic by design. Everyone can invite new members and change the group‘s name and photo, which is ideal for small bands of friends or coworkers. But Telegram can also support much larger communities that need more administration. To make life easier in big groups, we’re introducing admins today.

From now on, you can choose how your groups will operate. By default, all members are still in control. But if you want more order, you can throw the switch and appoint additional administrators to your group.

If you enable the new restricted mode, only administrators will be able to add new people and change the name and photo of the group. Admins also have the power to remove other members from the group.


UPD: Check out Supergroups 2.0: Pinned posts, Public groups, new moderation tools!

Telegram groups have always been several steps ahead of the competition. You could have groups of up to 200 people communicating efficiently using replies, mentions and hashtags. Now it's time to go further.

Ever since our launch in 2013, our users have been telling us they would like to migrate even larger communities to Telegram. As of today, once your group is full, you can upgrade it to a supergroup that supports up to 5000 members.

Supergroups are optimized to host large online communities and will load quickly, even if you‘ve missed many messages while away. Here’s what you need to know about how they work:

  • New members can see the entire message history when they join.
  • Deleted messages will disappear for all members.
  • Ordinary members can only delete their own messages.
  • Supergroups are muted by default and send fewer joined/left notifications.

All official Telegram clients are getting this update today.

Please note that you need the latest version of Telegram to access a supergroup. You may want to wait a little bit before upgrading your groups so that the update rolls out to all Telegram users, and they can see their groups.

iOS Bonus: Best In-App Notifications Ever

iOS users will enjoy our new in-app notifications. Pull down on a notification to expand it, view the full text of the message or preview attached media.

You can immediately send a quick reply or a sticker — all without leaving that particular spot in some other conversation.

Android Bonus: Quick Share for Channels

Meanwhile, Android users can enjoy the new quick sharing menu in channels. Just tap on the forwarding buttons right next to channel messages.

We have a few more surprises up our sleeve for this year. Stay tuned for more updates!

The Telegram Team,
November 25, 2015

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