Sending Files On Steroids — And More

Many of you love Telegram for the ability to send huge files up to 1.5 Gb.

Today’s iOS update brings you a radically improved Send File menu. We have integrated cloud services like iCloud, DropBox, Google Drive and others, so you can now easily share your existing documents directly from the Send File menu.

Share multiple files and trim videos

Starting today, you can also share multiple media files at once and see their size and resolution before sending them. As for sharing videos, we added the long-awaited preview and trim functionality to the iOS app.

Another improvement that is specific to iOS for now is the ability to open locations in Google Maps and other non-default map applications, as well as get driving directions.

Hashtags and Android features

Hashtags now support non-latin characters on both mobile platforms, and what is more important, recently used hashtags will be instantly suggested when you type the # symbol. This makes them much more usable.

As for improvements to the Android app, this update includes the ability to erase search history for Web images, GIFs and hashtags (simply tap and hold on recent items in search), sounds for incoming and outgoing messages in the currently opened chat and a multitude of design and UI improvements.

In fact, we were lucky to get feedback from the Google design team that provided ideas on how to improve the UI of our Android app. This release has some of these ideas implemented – for example, if you set a custom background for your Telegram chats, it will also be used in the Menu Drawer.

Stay tuned – we are shipping another great update next week.

March 25, 2015
The Telegram Team

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